Park 15 Nijmegen
30,700 SQM
Floor load
50 kN/ SQM
Free height
12.2 m
Dock ratio
1/900 SQM
Q1 2024
Park15 is the place to be for logistics top companies along the A15 motorway and the parallel Betuwelijn. VDG Real Estate and EvolutionRE are developing a high-quality, green and modern warehouse of over 30,700 SQM. Entrepreneurs who settle here benefit from this the advantages and the exceptionally high level of facilities that this ambitious business park offers.

Want more info? Contact us!

Jay is Dutch and has more than 8 years of experience in Asset Management and Business Development. Jay identifies development opportunities and works with Mark to make sure our projects are let as soon as possible.
Partner | Commercial
+31 (0) 6 125 138 32 Let's link